
Skypark by AJ Hackett Macau, renowned for its adrenaline-pumping attractions like bungee jumping, faced the challenge of establishing itself in the competitive Chinese adventure tourism market. With numerous destinations vying for the attention of thrill-seekers, Skypark needed a strategic approach to highlight its unique experience offerings, attract adventure enthusiasts, and drive ticket sales.



Recognizing the growing appetite for extreme sports and unique experiences among Chinese consumers, we helped Skypark to tailor its messaging to resonate with local adventure tourism trends. By partnering with travel influencers and leveraging digital engagement platforms, Skypark aimed to enhance brand credibility and reach a wider audience.

We collaborated with travel influencers and adventure bloggers to create engaging content that showcased the excitement and safety of its attractions, particularly the world-famous bungee jump. Leveraging digital platforms such as Xiaohonshu, Weibo, WeChat, and Douyin, Skypark engaged with adventure seekers by sharing high-energy videos, user-generated content, and testimonials to foster community engagement and brand advocacy. To enhance convenience and accessibility, we optimized Skypark’s social commerce presence, allowing consumers to book tickets directly through social media platforms. This seamless integration of booking and social engagement provided an easy and efficient way for thrill-seekers to plan their visits, boosting ticket sales and customer satisfaction.