
Rudsak, a renowned Canadian fashion brand known for its contemporary designs and premium leather goods, faced the challenge of making a mark in the competitive Chinese fashion market. With an array of established domestic and international competitors vying for attention, Rudsak needed a strategic approach to establish its presence, resonate with Chinese consumers, and drive sales.



We worked with Rudsak to localize its brand in a way that would resonate with the discerning Chinese consumer. Leveraging the power of influencer marketing and key social media platforms such as Weibo, WeChat, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu, we engaged influential fashion KOLs to enhance brand credibility and reach a wider audience. We focused on creating captivating content that showcased Rudsak’s stylish yet functional designs, emphasizing the quality craftsmanship and versatility of its products. Utilizing interactive formats such as livestreaming events and virtual fashion shows, we created an immersive brand experience, allowing consumers to engage with the brand in real-time.

Generated over 140M Impressions across various social media campaigns (2023)

Created over 380 social media posts across WeChat, Xiaohongshu, Weibo and Douyin (2023)

Increased brand keyword search rate from 0 to 5000+ / month