
Loop Earplugs, a premium earplug brand recognized for its innovative design and comfort, faced the challenge of establishing a foothold in the competitive Chinese market. With a plethora of local and international competitors, Loop needed to devise a branding strategy that would resonate with Chinese consumers, increase awareness, and drive sales.



We embarked on a strategic journey with Loop to localize its brand for the Chinese market. Leveraging the power of influencer marketing and key social media platforms, including Weibo, WeChat, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu, we created localized video content and partnered with influential figures in the realm of lifestyle, health, and wellness.

To help achieve Loop’s goals, we focused on creating captivating content that highlighted the benefits of Loop products, emphasizing factors like comfort, durability, and style. We utilized various interactive formats, such as livestreaming sessions featuring KOLs demonstrating the effectiveness of Loop’s earplugs in different scenarios. Additionally, user-generated content played a crucial role in fostering engagement, with consumers sharing their experiences and testimonials across social media platforms.